垂询热线:400-662-2570 联系电话:+86-10-8044 8220
香山清琴别墅项目位于北京香山脚下,占地25.3万平方米,拥有双拼、独栋共计151栋别墅,依山而筑,错落有致。 冷暖管家介入安装了二十多户独栋及十余户双拼别墅,客户满意度达到最优。

Xiangshan QingQin villas project is located at the foot of the hill of Beijing, covers an area of 25.3 million square meters, with a semi detached, single family a total of 151 villa, the mountain building, Cuoluoyouzhi.

Cold and warm Butler installed more than 20 households and single family in ten family Shuangpin villa, to achieve the optimal customer satisfaction.